
Information about Wordle Hub

Wordle Hub is a wiki and a fork of WORDLES OF THE WORLD, a comprehensive list of Wordle-like games and resources online, with 741 entries in 92 languages (8454 to go...). The list and its code are in the public domain text bottom under CC0 text bottom.

This list is collaborative and is based on a number of sources: other lists, merge requests, and entries suggested publicly (e.g. here, by @jaaaarwr et al., and here) and privately (emails, DM, Telegram, etc.), as well as entries found on web search (on Twitter and elsewhere).

Other lists have been compiled by Kurt, Sam, @yeahwhyyes, @cuffedCatling, @omionabike, Glitch, @drugrev (mirrors many of the entries in WotW) , @doougle, Duolingo, Y Combinator users, and 정 경훈.

Read more about multilingual and remixable Wordles on Rest of World, Duolingo, Wikipedia, GlitchBlog and the Guardian.

How can you take part?
📣 Share this list with your friends. The more people it reaches, the more people may benefit from it and possibly suggest new entries.
Do you know of any entry that is absent from the list? Please make a page 🙂.
🧑‍💻 If you want to make a version for your language, you can follow these instructions (requires basic technical know-how and a good wordlist). Consider making it accessible.
🕸 If you have already made a wordle in any language, linking back here would be great, as it would create a network of wordles.
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